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16.01.2009 17:13   Новината е видяна 21187 пъти
Изказване на българския депутат в ЕП Евгени Кирилов на дебата относно доставки на газ в Украйна и ЕС от Русия

Evgeni Kirilov (PSE). – Madam President, generally speaking, I could agree with those colleagues who commended the active role of the Czech presidency.

However, I cannot agree with the political tone expressed by the Deputy Prime Minister Mr Vondra in his introductory remarks. His political tone is too calm. Yes, we have spoken, and we speak, with one voice, but this voice is not strong enough. Because, when we consider the plight of the millions of citizens in Europe suffering in this severe winter, we cannot be calm here. I wonder why it is so. We will have to act, and I agree with most of the colleagues who asked for an investigation, because we have to find out which of the two sides is more irresponsible. Both are responsible! Perhaps the reason for this calm political talk is the fact that now it concerns not only Russia but also Ukraine, and this is not correct.

I really think that not only this Parliament but also the presidency should raise its voice in the name of the citizens who are suffering.

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